Eagle Financial
We manage investment portfolios for individuals and entities desiring professional and objective investment advice based on sound economic and market fundamental analysis.
At Eagle Financial, our commitment to excellence is the foundation of our client relationships.
We endeavor to generate risk-adjusted returns on capital, focusing on long-term capital preservation as dictated by economic and market conditions and client goals and objectives.

The Eagle Financial Philosophy
We evaluate risk – our assessment of an investment’s risks, both stand-alone and as a component of a portfolio, is as important as our assessment of future returns.
We are students of the market – we constantly seek to improve our performance through the application of the body of work of academia and the investment community.
Client Service philosophy
We strive to provide caring, competent service to all clients – your client experience is as important as our performance record.
We treat each client fairly – we will not discriminate when it comes to disseminating investment recommendations or taking investment action.
We respect your financial privacy – we will protect your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy.