Too Passive About Your Investments?

The Future is UncertainInvesting is rife with uncertainty for the simple reason that the future is uncertain. All other things being equal, the greater the uncertainty (risk), the higher the expected return.  Nevertheless, there are two variables that you, as an investor, can control: 1) how much you invest, and 2) the annual expenses, if…

If You’re Reading this, its too Late

Honey, call our financial advisor!We live in the so-called “information age.” We intake news and data like we breathe air: everywhere, all the time. And we are subconsciously trained to react to each new (to us, at least) headline: an emotion, an opinion or provocation to action. (Marketers understand this all too well.) “Honey, call…

The All-Powerful Fed

History of the FedThe Federal Reserve System (“Fed”) is the central bank of the US. It was established by Congress in 1913 in the wake of the Great Depression with the primary functions of conducting the nation’s monetary policy, maintaining stability of the financial system, and supervising and regulating banking institutions. The Fed is considered…